Weeknight cooking just got a lot easier

It’s 5pm, kids have finished school and have had too much screen time, you are finishing your 25th zoom call of the day, someone is crying or whining and you have no idea what is for dinner…sound familiar?

Or maybe you and your partner are tired of frozen pizza?
Perhaps you hate cooking or aren’t very good at it and need some help?

Nosh to Go weekly meal service is the answer.  These are good, home-cooked meals ready to heat and eat to get dinner on the table fast. Think meatballs, mashed potatoes; hearty soups and a big loaf of sourdough bread; or from scratch fake-out-take-out that is better for you and not too spicy for your kids.

Menus are sent out weekly via email. Meals can be picked up in South Minneapolis delivered within our range to your door for an extra fee. Want more info? Signup to get our emails.

Nosh & Gather

Weekly menus will be sent to those who want Nosh to Go.


So much waste

There are a lot of meal subscription services already but with it comes tremendous waste.  We are committed to making Nosh to Go as sustainable as possible. Each week you will return your previous cooler bag and your containers from your last meal.  

heat & eat meal questions

Will you accommodate food allergies, sensitivities or special diets?
Not at this time. We work in a shared kitchen on shared equipment so food allergies cannot me accommodated.

My kids are picky, will this work for us?
We created meals that are family friendly.  If there are spicy condiments or other components to add to the dish to make it fantastic, we will typically package those separately.  Parents then have the option to leave that component out of the meal for their picky kids.

What is your delivery area?
I am currently delivering in and around South Minneapolis, NE Minneapolis and St. Paul in the Highland Park and MacGroveland neighborhoods. As this grows, delivery areas will expand.